Monday, April 3, 2017

Letting God Lead the Way

“I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1—2

Like so many cancer patients, I try to watch what I eat and drink to maximize my quality of life and to support my therapy, hoping always that food, drink, medicine, and prayer will heal me of this disease once and for all. Some days it can be overwhelming to navigate the research available regarding supplements and diets, and the impact that such foods may have—positively and negatively—on my disease. It’s easy to feel guilty for what I eat, as well as for what I don’t eat. 

Last spring I hired a nutritionist to guide me, but several months later I relapsed while on a special herbal protocol. My nutritionist wanted me to try another natural treatment, to “hit it hard” with a blend of burdock seed, poke, baptisia, mistletoe, and other natural poisons. She even called this special formula “Saving Dana”. She is not a quack in medical circles—she teaches nutritional classes to medical students at well-known hospitals and has a pharmaceutical background, and I have the utmost respect for her. But even though I knew her custom blend would never be enough to combat my aggressive disease, it was such a dear, generous, and loving gesture to prepare a special tonic for me that I didn’t want to disappoint her. I took it faithfully while my oncologist ordered a biopsy of a lymph node and we waited for results. A month later, after taking only the special tonic, my numbers were worse than they had been in almost 7 years. God then led me to begin an immunotherapy that my oncologist recommended, thereby “ruining” the alternative treatment and letting the nutritionist down.

I know that many times alternative treatments work, but just as many—if not more times—they don’t. Perhaps the special tonic would have worked in another situation or if I had taken it longer, but my numbers were rising so quickly that I couldn’t take that chance. Nobody can make such a difficult, personal decision regarding a treatment or therapy except the patient. It’s the very same with our response to God. He doesn’t call us all to follow Him in the same way. I know some amazing Christian cancer patients who have been healed by faith alone and not with traditional medicine. In my situation, God has not chosen to work that way but rather continues to lead me to amazing doctors and new therapies that keep my disease at bay, but which do not eradicate my cancer completely. I yearn for Him to take it away forever, but He hasn’t chosen to do that yet.

The most critical thing we can do is pray for God to guide us. He is a God of order, not of confusion, and He will make the path clear for us. We can only follow the path, however, if we are walking in His light, if we are spending time in His word. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105) When I am swimming in a sea of confusion about which way to go, it’s almost always because I haven’t spent enough time in prayer, or because I haven’t been patient enough to hear His directive. Sometimes I’m so confused that I need to ask others to help me discern His guidance, and that’s okay, too. He doesn’t always speak to us directly—sometimes He speaks through others—but when we abide in Him as his “trusting sheep”, we will always recognize His voice, and we will always find His path.

The next most critical thing we can do is not to judge one another’s decisions, but to pray earnestly for one another. Mother Teresa said: “Criticism is nothing less than dressed up pride. It eats up all the love of God.” We’re all in this together—let’s pray earnestly for each another and not judge one another’s treatment decisions. God does not treat all His children alike—our burdens are not the same—but He loves us equally and passionately and will always do what is right for each of us. What an amazing God we serve!

Dear Lord, We are drowning in options and information in this society! Help us to make sense of the treatments available to us. You have created these marvelous bodies, and You know exactly what they need to be healthy and to fight disease. Help us to hear Your voice and to follow Your lead. Shine Your light on the right supplements, the right protocol, the right doctor. We know that You have amazing plans for each of us, and every day we wake up amazed that You want to use us for another day. Thank You for this gift of love! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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